Sao Bento to Guimaraes Day Trip

Sao Bento to Guimaraes Day Trip
Event Type
From Lisa Graves:

Daytrip to Guimaraes:
Join me next Wednesday 20th at 10 am at Sao Bento to catch the 10:25 train to Guimaraes.(Allow time to get your ticket.) I’ll be inside Jeronymo Cafe. We’ll arrive at 11:38, have lunch then you can explore the town, visit the Palace or Castle ruins or take the gondola to the top of the mountain (it’s amazing up there). Return train at 4:20 (or you can take a later one)

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1 year ago

Hello Lisa, just an advise for those going there. If you have the Andante card for all the Metropolitan area of Porto you can use it on this urban train line till Vila das Aves, so you only have to buy train ticket from Vila das Aves till Guimarães and back, which is 1,80€ one way.
There’s no returning train at 16h20, but you have urban train (to take advantage of the Andante) at 15h53, 17h07 or 18h13 and even later on.

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