Ladies Mother’s Day High Tea – A Porto Kind Event

On Sunday, 19 May 2024 we had a wonderful time at our Ladies Mother’s Day High Tea at the 17° Restaurant, Hotel Dom Henrique in Porto. The restaurant is on the top floor of the hotel so we had stunning views while we enjoyed our pots of tea and selection of afternoon tea delights.

On top of the lovely location, Jane Uitti and local guitarist Antonio Neves played some beautiful jazz music in the background. It was the perfect accompaniment to the afternoon. We definitely hope that Jane will honour us with her beautiful music and play her violin at other events.

The afternoon started with a lovely introduction from Lisa Graves including a beautiful poem about Mothers. Lisa then introduced the representatives from Kastelo House, Ines and Teresa, who shared with us the story of Kastelo House and all that they do there.

If you would like to read more about Kastelo House and how you can support them please visit our Kastelo House Information Page for further information.

The rest of the afternoon was spent enjoying the lovely cakes and treats while getting a chance to catch up with the lovely ladies of the International Women of Porto and Gaia Group. In total we had 32 ladies in attendance. It was a noisy crowd as usual but we all had a fabulous time chatting :).

We are very proud to announce that the event raised €386 for Kastelo House and that, combined with the money raised from Sherri’s amazing crocheted carnations (€150), meant that we have been able to donated a total of €536 to Kastelo House this month. What an amazing job everyone!!

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